Pet Sematary: "Under the Covers" Campaign

To promote the latest installment in the Pet Sematary franchise, I created the "Pet Sematary: Under The Covers" campaign, a series of pulp horror book covers inspired by the 1970s and 80s aesthetic of Stephen King novels. Each cover teased a pivotal scene from the movie, featuring distressed textures, ominous taglines, and period-specific typography. The challenge was capturing the essence of King’s iconic style without directly referencing him, as his name was not approved for use in the film or its marketing. A last-minute addition of fake book review pull-quotes from fictional Ludlow publications further enhanced the authenticity of the designs. To elevate the campaign, I animated the covers to open and reveal clips from the scenes depicted in the artwork. Though these covers were never released due to the film’s underperformance, the project stands as a tribute to vintage horror design and creative problem-solving.

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