Star Trek: Lower Decks - Episodic Artwork

This collection showcases episodic artwork I created to promote Star Trek: Lower Decks. Theme park maps are one of my favorite artforms, so it’s no surprise that one of my favorite projects was a map for "Historic Bozeman," a futuristic theme park celebrating James Cromwell's character from Star Trek: First Contact. Using assets from Titmouse, I designed a detailed visitor guide that humorously captures the park's sights, foods, and attractions. Also included is a fictional ad for Chula, an alien children’s game featured in the show, and a traveler's guide to the Ferengi homeworld. Rounding out the selection are hero posters spotlighting key locations from the series and a Starfleet recruitment poster, showcasing the comedic storytelling and visual creativity that define the Lower Decks universe.